In the face of constant changes in how we approach work and the spaces that embody it, Maison&Objet has, for several years now, been strengthening its position as a partner of manufacturers, retailers, space planners, layout artists, and interior designers, all seeking better design solutions to meet employees’ needs in terms of usability, comfort, creativity, and safety.
When Actineo, the observatory for quality of life at work, launched a major international study in January 2021 on the working world of tomorrow, Maison&Objet got involved, alongside Colliers and l’Ameublement Français.
For 2 months, consulting firm Sociovision was charged with asking over 2600 employees and independent workers throughout 5 major metropolitan areas about their relationship with work, how they work today, distance work before, during, and after the crisis, and, finally, the future of work.
The results of this survey, analyzed by Alain d’Iribarne, economist, workplace sociologist, and President of the Scientific Committee at Actineo, will shed light on the operational changes needed to create workspace design projects for offices, off-site spaces, or the home that will further enhance employee well-being!
This is the proportion of survey respondents who consider workplace design and decor to be particularly important.