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When designers tackle scenography?

Sunday 8 September — 16:00 - 16:45
The Talks


Some designers imagine total set designs, which are intrinsically temporary. Constance Guisset has created sets for Angelin Preljocal, while India Madhavi has crafted the design for the "Nouvelles vagues" exhibition. This is work they do as a side gig in addition to their work as designers.

Nos partenaires : MINI


India MahdaviArchitect & Designer

Constance GuissetDesigner

Marie GodfrainJournalist

India Mahdavi

Architect & Designer

Architect, designer and installation designer, India Mahdavi lives and works in Paris. Since the beginning of her career in the Nineties, and the opening of her studio in Paris in 1999, India Mahdavi has developed, through her achievements, a certain vision of happiness and color that she has largely contributed to re-creating. In 2003, she launched her first collection of furniture and opened her showroom, 3 rue las cases. From the Cloister Hotel to The Gallery at Skit, from Monaco to Los Angeles, she has designed numerous venues, bars, restaurants, clubs and hotels, set designs, and private residences. India Mahdavi tackles different subjects, at different scales, and introduces her concepts on the contemporary scene in a singular, eclectic and nomadic way, celebrating a Pop version of the Orient in the West.

Constance Guisset

Constance Guisset


Constance Guisset is a French designer. She founded her studio specializing in object, interior, and installation design in 2009. She strives to create ergonomic and light, lively, and welcoming objects, stemming from a desire for movement, delicacy and surprise. Constance Guisset works with many French and foreign furniture design houses such as Petite Friture, Mustache, Molteni & C, La Cividina, ZaoZuo, etc. She also designs settings for shows and exhibitions, as well as interior design projects and children’s books. She had the honor of a personal show at the Musée des Arts Décoratifs in 2018.

Marie Godfrain ©DR

Marie Godfrain


Marie Godfrain is an independent journalist specializing in design, decor, craft, and architecture. Each week, she writes for M, le magazine and works for IDEAT and Le Quotidien de l'Art. Passionate about design since she was a teenager, Marie conveys this passion through the magazines she works with, as well as at ENSCI, where she teaches courses on design history. She has just published a biography of ceramic artist Frederick Gautier with Actes Sud. Through her work, she shows us that design goes well beyond just furniture-making: it supports and shapes ongoing societal shifts.

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