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Olfactive marketing: the power of perfume

Saturday 19 January — 11:00 - 11:30
The retail lab


How to make the difference on a market soaked with visual and sound requests ? Under-estimated and nevertheless the most powerful of the 5 senses, the sense of smell is full of surprises. Brands are fully aware of this : perfuming spaces is a key for success !

Smell is the first sense developped in human beings. This is also the sense that remains the longest in our memory. This is our most powerful sense and the most emotional one.
Using scent marketing in a location isn’t easy or insignificant. Scent will necessarly create a sensitive experience and will establish a long lasting connection between the place and the person. Therefore this approach amplifies the brand experience and connect it intimately to its public.
Perfume will trigger different reactions : wellness, positive sensation, recollection, emotional bound…, it will definetly  participate to the location’s  comfort and appeal. 
For 10 years now, EMOSENS is the expert in scent marketing in France. Many benefits are developed  with scent marketing : increasing sales, increasing the time spent in the location, waiting time seems quicker,  wellness and comfort feeling, reduction of incivilities, etc…
Scent marketing is also the creation of your fragrance signature, which will be a very part of your brand identity : this is a new way to tell your story, to deliver messages or values, to embody the brand and to be different from your competitors.
Nowadays, no matter which its purpose or activity is, a company or a brand has a good reason to integrate scent marketing into its development strategy.


Aude BoulangerBusiness Manager - Emosens

Aude Boulanger

Business Manager - Emosens

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