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Design France-China : from "Made in China" to "Created in China"

Tuesday 11 September — 12:00 - 12:45
The Talks


How to publicise and market Chinese brands and French designed products through mutual collaboration in Franco/Chinese markets ? How to assure correct judicial treatment of industrial property rights ?

Nos partenaires : Mini


Pierre HoffmanLawyer - Cabinet Hoffman

Stéphanie CaumontConsultant

Zhen FanAssociate Director Paris - Bonjour Shanghai Group

Pierre Hoffman

Lawyer - Cabinet Hoffman

Doctor at Law from the University of Paris V Descartes, he also received a Master's degree in Multimedia and Informatics Law from the University of Paris II Panthéon Assas and a Master’s degree in Business Law from the University of Paris V Descartes. Pierre Hoffman previously worked with Jean-Louis Pelletier Law Firm in Paris as associate (2003-2005). Since 2009, he is partner in HOFFMAN. He main areas of practice are Intellectual and Industrial Property law, Customs Law and Criminal Law. His experiences allow him to deal with cases combining criminal law and intellectual property law. In 2015, Pierre Hoffman was elected member of the Bar Council.

Stéphanie Caumont


Stéphanie Caumont is an expert consultant and trainer in webmarketing. She founded DKOmedia, a consulting firm specialized in social media for the Home sector. Her mission is to make Talents shine and publicize brands in this field. She offers decor boosterclasses, which are online training sessions on social media (Social Media Strategy, Instagram, Pinterest). She is the author of the first-ever 5-step webmarketing guide for decorators. With her DKOmag blog, she is part of the decor influencer community, with over 260 000 subscribers.

Zhen Fan

Zhen Fan

Associate Director Paris - Bonjour Shanghai Group

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