Web talks available in French and English for free (subtitled versions).
Wednesday 27 January
Jean-Luc Colonna d'Istria, Consultant
How can you discover gift items that are sure to make your shop stand out from the rest? Whether they're specialized, customized, innovative, or, above all, surprising, these finds reflect how your customers are shopping today. Jean-Luc Colonna offers his advice on how to detect future best-sellers!
Thursday 28 January
Vincent Grégoire, Director, Consumer Trends & Insights, NellyRodi / Takuto Imagawa, Director of Merchandising, CIBONE, Tokyo
Each week, Vincent Grégoire invites you on a voyage of discovery to a concept store, a key venue in a distinct international city. For Unexpected Gifts, we head over to Cibone in Tokyo.
Friday 29 January
Marc Berthier, Designer - Boris Brault, CEO Lexon - Guillaume Delvigne, Designer / Moderator: Olivier Waché, Journalist
What is an iconic object, and how can we identify it? How and why does it become a best-seller? To delve into the mystery of these truly unique products, here's an encounter with design specialists who add their perspective and enlighten us with their respective experiences on the inner workings of creative design.