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Workspaces: new trends or a new culture?

Friday 6 September — 11:00 - 11:45
The Talks


Co-working, corp-working, incubators, telecenters, FabLabs, shared spaces, open spaces…the world of work is undergoing constant changes. Is this for the good of us all, or will it alienate us?

Nos partenaires : MINI


Mercedes ErraArchitect President and Founder - BETC & Executive President - Havas Worldwide

Flore PradèreDirector of Research and Foresight for the Offices of Tomorrow - JLL France

Philippe TrétiackJournalist

Mercedes Erra

Mercedes Erra

Architect President and Founder - BETC & Executive President - Havas Worldwide

Mercedes Erra is the founder of BETC, the top French communications firm and one of the top 3 firms in Europe, and is Executive President of Havas Worldwide. A graduate of HEC and the Sorbonne (a Masters degree and a CAPES in literature), she specialized in building and managing major brands. Active in women’s and human rights, she presides over the Executive Board of the Musée de l’histoire de l’immigration and the French committee of Human Rights Watch. She is also Vice President of the Filière Communication, and member of Advisory Council for equality between women and men at the French Presidency of the G7.

Flore Pradère

Director of Research and Foresight for the Offices of Tomorrow - JLL France

An ESCP graduate and Marketing specialist, Flore Pradère is an expert in marketing and opinion surveys. She joined JLL in 2011 to create a set of research on the theme of real estate, which enables value creation and gages commitment. She conducts foresight surveys related to new ways of working, organizing companies, and managing. She thus creates a portrait of the office life of tomorrow. Latest publications: The Flex-office: Desperate without set office space, or liberation for colleagues? Human Experience. When office reconcile life with work • Fluid, augmented, disrupted work. What kind of future are the French prepared for?

Philippe Trétiack


An architect and urban planner by training, Philippe Trétiack is a journalist and writer. Special correspondent for thirty years now. He writes the architecture column in Beaux-Arts Magazine. An author, he has published around twenty books. He is a correspondent for the Academie des Beaux-Arts, the Institut de France, and associate member of the Académie d’Architecture.

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