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When colors transform work spaces

Saturday 7 September — 11:00 - 11:45
The Work! Conferences


The world of business is changing faster and faster. Faced with increased pressure and « nomadism », new needs are emerging. Open space, coworking, meeting rooms « as at home » or recreation rooms: How can color act for everyone’s well-being and performance?

Nos partenaires : Nespresso


Barbara Blin-BarroisDirector - Culture Couleur & Co -Founder - Okhra

Sophie Mouton-BrisseJournalist & Consultant

Barbara Blin-Barrois

Barbara Blin-Barrois

Director - Culture Couleur & Co -Founder - Okhra

Sophie Mouton-Brisse

Sophie Mouton-Brisse

Journalist & Consultant

Journaliste for the most famous magazines of decoration during 25 years –Elle Décoration, Le Journal de la Maison, Maison&Travaux- Sophie Mouton-Brisse is author of the work « DécoBox : Colors&Well Being » (Eyrolles éditions, 2017). Her passion ? The color ! The intelligence of the color and its capacity to modify our perceptions fascinates her particularly. She teaches the psycho-physical effects of colors to the professionals of the decoration since 2008 and gives regularly conferences. She is member of the communication group of the French Center of Color (CFC), working for research with famous scientists and artists.

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