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Revisiting the past with the advent of vintage design now occupies a central position in modern art market

Sunday 20 January — 12:00 - 12:45
The Talks


Market share of 20th Century design continues to rise, although it still doesn’t reach art results. Its value may vary depending on the year, the serie, a special order or even the provenance of the piece of furniture.

Nos partenaires : MINI


Fabien NaudanVice-President - Artcurial

Benjamin PaulinDirector - Paulin, Paulin, Paulin®

Damien PierreFounder - "The Good Old Dayz"

Oscar DuboÿJournalist

Fabien Naudan

Fabien Naudan

Vice-President - Artcurial

Benjamin Paulin

Director - Paulin, Paulin, Paulin®

Damien Pierre

Founder - "The Good Old Dayz"

Oscar Duboÿ ©DR

Oscar Duboÿ


Based in Paris, Oscar Duboÿ is an Italian-French freelance journalist specialising in design and interior architecture. He continues to work with AD since its beginning, not to mention his collaborations with La Gazette Drouot, TLmag and his editorial consultancy activities for luxury and auction houses. Today, he is more interested in the interaction between art and design collections.

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