Living both in Paris and Helsinki, Linda Bergroth moves with a distinctive Finish simplicity between places and cultures, design and architecture, commercial and experimental, temporary and lasting. Her distinctive touch ? A fertile dialog between creative boldness and virtuous production.
Nos partenaires : Mini
Linda BergrothDesigner
Anne-France BerthelonJournalist
Linda Bergroth (born 1978) is a Helsinki based designer, whose projects range from industrial design and interior architecture to creating sets. Having studied both furniture design at the University of Art and Design in Helsinki and architecture at the École d’Architecture Paris-Malaquais, Bergroth moves fluently between different scales fusing commercial and experimental, lasting and temporary. In her work, Nordic traditions encounter bold and unpredictable ideas with a surprising outcome. Bergroth was awarded in Finland as the Young Designer of the Year 2012.
Free-lance by addiction to out-of-the-box thinking, nomadic by passion and profession, Anne-France Berthelon is a journalist, critic, design curator and creative consultant in communication strategy. A fan of the zigzags of life, this former language student/stylist/editor/trend analyst likes above all to observe the ecosystem of design, architecture, art, fashion and communication at 360° in order to decipher the smallest micro movements. Her greatest luxuries? Curiosity, and the encounters and conversations that ensue, as well as the time, absolutely incompressible, of immersions in places and ideas.