Sustainable. The Instituto Campana is committed to maintaining the legacy of the Campana Brothers’ work, to using design as a tool of social transformation via educational programs and to preventing popular Brazilian handicraft techniques from vanishing, including those developed by the brothers together with local NGOs.
Humberto CampanaDesigner and Co-Founder of the Instituto Campana
Anne-France BerthelonJournalist
Designer and Co-Founder of the Instituto Campana
Free-lance by addiction to out-of-the-box thinking, nomadic by passion and profession, Anne-France Berthelon is a journalist, critic, design curator and creative consultant in communication strategy. A fan of the zigzags of life, this former language student/stylist/editor/trend analyst likes above all to observe the ecosystem of design, architecture, art, fashion and communication at 360° in order to decipher the smallest micro movements. Her greatest luxuries? Curiosity, and the encounters and conversations that ensue, as well as the time, absolutely incompressible, of immersions in places and ideas.