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How can we protect ourselves and react against online counterfeiting ?

Monday 10 September — 16:00 - 16:30
The retail lab


In order to protect your trademark, creations, designs, and Domain name against online counterfeiting, you need a real protection strategy beforehand. In case of counterfeiting, various tools are avalaible and specialized professionnals can advise you.


Ingrid ZafraniPartner - Hoffman law firm

Ingrid Zafrani

Ingrid Zafrani

Partner - Hoffman law firm

Ingrid Zafrani joined the Hoffman firm in 1998. After several years of work for them, she was named partner. She works on litigation related to intellectual and industrial property (brands, designs and concepts, trademarks, Customs matters) as well as business and retail law. She advises French and international clients of the firm on issues related to business development and partnerships (franchises, business deals, contracts, licensing, distribution, unfair competition). She has developed considerable experience in employee contracts, a field she works in both as advisor and for litigation.

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