Creating links in both retail shops and through communication is an essential factor. Flexibility and adjustment is necessary to maintain customer loyalty and visibility. Which inspiring initiatives have been introduced by retail brands ?
Carine MamouCo-Founder - Trends & Communication Agency ç
Valeria CastellettoCo-Founder - Trends & Communication Agency ç
Co-Founder - Trends & Communication Agency ç
With a MBA from the Institut Français de la Mode, Carine Mamou has worked for 15 years as a Marketing Director for major companies. She has co-founded in 2014 the agency ça/va, and helps brands in their communication strategy by decrypting emerging trends to inspire them in the creation of products, places and services of tomorrow.
Co-Founder - Trends & Communication Agency ç
After more than 10 years of experience in fashion and design companies as Marketing & Communication Manager in an international context, Valeria Castelletto co-found the Ça.Va agency, which decrypts retail,digital and social media trends to accompany brands in their communication and to inspire them in the creation of innovative services and experiences.