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Distance working : a review of the world's biggest experiment

Wednesday 24 June — 09:00 - 09:30
The Work! Conferences



Isabelle de PonfillyExecutive Director - Vitra

Emmanuelle LeonAssociate Professor Management - ESCP

Anne du ManoirHead of Human Resources - BNP Paribas

Jean-Claude BassienDeputy Managing Director - Nexity

Isabelle de Ponfilly

Isabelle de Ponfilly

Executive Director - Vitra

Executive Director of Vitra France since 1998, and previously Sales Director (for 4 years). She began her career in the furniture sector in 1986 at Roneo, then Knoll in 1988 (for 7 ans). She is a graduate of ISTEC (Higher Institute of Business and Marketing). President of the board at the Ensad (National Higher Institute of Decorative Arts); Co-President of Actinéo. Member of the Ile-de-France Design Council, and the management boards of the APCI, the Domaine de Boisbuchet, and ISTEC. Member of the Women’s Real Estate Circle, the Cercle 20 21 – MAD, of AMO, and of the SEIN (Society for the Encouragement of National Industry).

Emmanuelle Leon

Emmanuelle Leon

Associate Professor Management - ESCP

Anne du Manoir

Anne du Manoir

Head of Human Resources - BNP Paribas

Jean-Claude Bassien

Jean-Claude Bassien

Deputy Managing Director - Nexity

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