Nám. E. Zahna 1151
687 66 Strání – Kvetná
Czech Republic
Květná Glassworks 1794 will debut an installation titled “The Sound of Tradition,” inviting visitors into a metaphorical glass garden. The installation consists of dozens of glass vessels mounted on slender rods, reminiscent of delicate flowers that gently sway. As these glass pieces touch, they produce a soft, melodic sound. This visually and sonically captivating experience symbolizes the core values of Květná Glassworks 1794 — tradition and quality craftsmanship, with a particular emphasis on detail and the creation of thin-walled glass. The glassware not only boasts an elegant appearance but also emits a distinctive tone when the glasses chime together. In this installation, the beauty of the material and its sound are seamlessly intertwined.
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