When retailers contribute to the renaissance of a neighbourhood… Or the joint success story of Vertbois and its collective.
Tucked away in the north of the Marais between place de la République and the musée des Arts & Métiers, Vertbois— which comprises Rue du Vertbois, rue Notre-Dame-de-Nazareth, rue Volta, rue Vaucanson and rue Montgolfier— is the worthy heir to the tradition of cultural, artistic and social innovation embodied by musée des Arts & Métiers. Despite this rich heritage, more and more businesses were closing their doors every year until a group of locals got the wake-up call and set themselves the challenge of organising its renaissance. This involved rethinking the quarter to create a lively, inspirational location, a pleasant place to live, be creative and escape from the tumult of modern life. If today Vertbois is home to so many new creative initiatives in the fields of gastronomy, fashion, art, design and music, it is thanks to its collective, which is brimming over with energy and love for the neighbourhood, as well as being staunch defenders of the Parisian art de vivre.