September 05-14, 2024

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What's New? / The young generation takes up the gauntlet

The young generation takes up the gauntlet

Published on 18 March 2020 Share


(RE) GENERATION! is the key 2020 theme chosen by Paris Design Week and Maison&Objet. Are you ready for the new generation?

(RE) GENERATION! is the key 2020 theme chosen by Paris Design Week and Maison&Objet. It provides an immersion into the key issues at stake today.

Next September, Paris Design Week invites every participant to take onboard its (Re) Generation theme. This concept showcases young designers under thirty years of age, an age group whose influence on current trends is becoming more and more decisive. To understand just what’s happening and highlight new sources of inspiration, Paris Design Week is basing its actions on a survey carried out by NellyRodi. Who exactly are the members of generations Y and Z? What are their aspirations? Above all, what influences their consumer behaviour and their choices in terms of design and lifestyle? This survey is a mine of information. It paints a sociological, economic and above all very concrete portrait of today’s twenty and thirty-somethings. The first major conclusion is that they are a socially and environmentally committed group. They are kind, positive and intent on doing good: inclusive and compassionate, they don’t hesitate to speak out in defence of their ideals. Protecting the environment is their major preoccupation and they make sure to question the values and ethics of contemporary brands. The 2020 edition of Paris Design Week takes up the challenge in their name!

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