Each of Paris Design Week’s 8 itineraries addresses a different theme, but whatever you do, don’t forego the pleasure of wandering from one to another on a quest to fi nd the latest innovations.
To help you on your way: “Art & Design” combines aesthetics and functionality; “Work!” brings together the specialists in the fi eld and new workplace solutions and “Projects” introduces you to interior design professionals. “Savoir-Faire” is the marriage of craftsmanship, art and design. The aptly named “Iconic” focuses on iconic designs and the showrooms that exhibit them, while with its restaurant concepts and stores run by culinary professionals, “Food Design” is sure to make your mouth water. This year’s theme “(Re) generation!” is also an itinerary, an invitation to discover the work of a socially responsible younger generation that embodies changes in society and the environment. Finally, the new “Retail” itinerary is an opportunity to discover an ultra-creative discipline that combines architecture and interior design.