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## Action
### URL
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### Texte multiligne
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HTMLText_15D8FEFE_2786_06D3_4189_0C8D0334BAAE.html = THANK YOU FOR YOUR VISIT!
Acknowledgements: Peclers Paris and Maison&Objet would like to thank Tarkett for the floor coverings, Delius for the wall textiles and Scénographe etc for the enhanced experience of the space. And a huge thank you to Diego Faivre and Yuan Yuan, whose invaluable contributions have enabled us to showcase, taste and share the joy of creation. Finally, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to all the artists, designers and creators who have enthusiastically shown us their trust by lending us their pieces.
A question? Contact us !
HTMLText_033C2042_2705_55F4_41B7_F444F953E650.html = WELCOME
Faced with a turbulent global context and growing social anxiety, people are emerging with a desire to reenchant their daily lives. While the notion of happiness has become synonymous with the idea of well-being, frugality and introspection seemed to have become its necessary foundations. Rejecting these injunctions, some individuals are demanding the right to free, uncompromising pleasure, to sway to the whim of their desires.
Driven by a vital need for hope, they harness the power of the collective to imagine a new, happy society, one that generates good-living and well-being. Making creativity a banner of life, they are making their way towards an almost naïve philosophy of the present moment. It's a time for epicurean enjoyment, and there's an urgent need to seize every available source of joy. Pleasure, at its most instinctive, becomes a compass to follow.
Faced with this complex climate, the quest for happiness calls for a range of solutions.
For some, the notion of identity broadens and becomes an experimental field. In a quest for singularity, they celebrate the flamboyance of artifice and seek above all the freedom to be, to live and to express themselves without guilt.
For others, society becomes a playground to be reinvented. By collectively adopting a childlike outlook, they transform everyday gloom into a creative opportunity.
Finally, guided by an ultimate quest for sensoriality, others use every medium available to rethink their way of being in the world, of connecting with others and with their inner selves.
Faced with this kaleidoscope of possibilities, by playing with one’s social identity, one’s intimacy or with collective identities, they renew the languages of creativity.
HTMLText_040FDD3E_1C7D_EA47_41A8_2E35E65DF87A.html = 101 Copenhagen
101 Copenhagen is a Danish design brand founded in 2017. With a vision to honor exquisite quality and craftsmanship, the collection encompasses furniture, lighting and accessories in a timeless, yet modern design. Inspired by floral shapes, Bloom emphasizes soft and organic shapes into a collection of sculptural ceramic vases and trays.
HTMLText_0F59FA87_3785_BEE9_4192_00A9EFA4AA78.html = 13 Desserts Studio
PM série par Thomas Defour
13Desserts, a French furniture, lighting, and design objects publishing label, is developed by Clément Rougelot and Kevin Dolci. The collection explores new production avenues by combining industrial processes and artisanal craftsmanship. Located in both Paris and Hyères les Palmiers, the label has enriched its brand identity from the outset by continuously inviting new talents to join, giving life to a transdisciplinary collective. With a panel of about ten designers, the collection today is the result of a thoughtful dialogue between technique, strong identity, and contemporary use.
HTMLText_00F8F1F8_379C_AA27_41C7_31631209D7EC.html = 13 Desserts Studio
Venus par Sophia Taillet
13Desserts, a French furniture, lighting, and design objects publishing label, is developed by Clément Rougelot and Kevin Dolci. The collection explores new production avenues by combining industrial processes and artisanal craftsmanship. Located in both Paris and Hyères les Palmiers, the label has enriched its brand identity from the outset by continuously inviting new talents to join, giving life to a transdisciplinary collective. With a panel of about ten designers, the collection today is the result of a thoughtful dialogue between technique, strong identity, and contemporary use.
HTMLText_18EEA560_1940_05C6_417B_D177FCE8F9E4.html = ABingPlus
Nulu par Yoshikawa
Nulu par Yoshikawa is a parisian boutique showcasing the latest lifestyle items from Japanese brands.
HTMLText_0021411B_1C5D_3A4D_413B_C63BF5BCC35A.html = Alexis Foiny
Tant que les fleurs existeront encore
"Tant que les fleurs existeront encore" (As Long as Flowers Still Exist) is a prospective and immersive project aimed at recreating the Astiria Rosea, an extinct flower. The Astiria Rosea has been considered extinct on the island of Mauritius since 1860. This project delves into its origins to raise awareness about the preservation of biodiversity. Through the collection of various digital, textual, and visual information about this vanished botanical species and the use of digital tools for modeling and 3D printing, its form and color have been restored. An olfactory accord was created in collaboration with a perfumer from IFF to reactivate the scented essence of this flower. This experience immerses us in a "Memento mori" that reveals the seductive beauty of the flower while reminding us of the complex fragility of biodiversity.
HTMLText_1882384A_19C0_0BDA_41B3_B1F029B6A8E3.html = An&Angel
Sun & Moon
An&angel is a brand of innovative and functional tableware. It uses state-of the-art methods to create aerial and elegant bowls and vases of the highest quality. Glass and crystal are its essential materials and the creation of unprecedented forms is itsdriving force. Luxury in a shape of a mirror.
HTMLText_186EEC99_1940_0B46_41A5_F276F114263F.html = Antonin Mongin
Tissage de cheveux sel et poivre
Antonin Mongin is a design PhD and textile craftsman-designer. His work aims to reawaken the "Hairwork", dormant since the early 20th century, with which cut hair (from hair donations) is no longer considered as waste, but as a precious raw material. Endowed with a strong identity, symbolic and memorial value, this fiber is integrated into the manufacture of textile materials and made-to-measure objects. In his workshop, he also textilises horsehair and non-threadable plant fibers for luxury houses and interior decoration.
HTMLText_18779DE6_1940_04CA_41B4_E2E862408FD9.html = Antonin Mongin
Tissage de cheveux synthétiques
bruns et blond peroxydés
Antonin Mongin is a design PhD and textile craftsman-designer. His work aims to reawaken the "Hairwork", dormant since the early 20th century, with which cut hair (from hair donations) is no longer considered as waste, but as a precious raw material. Endowed with a strong identity, symbolic and memorial value, this fiber is integrated into the manufacture of textile materials and made-to-measure objects. In his workshop, he also textilises horsehair and non-threadable plant fibers for luxury houses and interior decoration.
HTMLText_017C2047_1C2D_7AC5_41B9_54F97630ACC4.html = Argot Studio
Vases et imprimante 3D en live
Founded by Irish designer Eimear Ryan in 2018, Argot Studio is a Parisian design studio that creates 3D-printed pieces, produced in an eco-friendly manner and designed to enhance any space. Argot's goal is to transcend seasonality and trends to last through generations. The collections express a balance between minimalist and timeless design and high-quality bio-sourced materials. Drawing inspiration from the contrast between the brutalism of urban architecture and the organic forms of nature, Argot Studio's pieces offer an aesthetic that is both poetic and thoughtful.
HTMLText_18F95F60_1940_05C6_41B2_D7A325F783C4.html = Atelier Biagetti
The work of architect and designer Alberto Biagetti and artist Laura Baldassari challenges the boundaries between disciplines. Drawing inspiration from the world around them, from human behaviour and contemporary society’s greatest obsessions, they dissect and deconstruct the functionality of objects to then reconfigure codes that previously seemed permanently sedimented in society. Their work aims to construct an immersive environment full of hints and clues in which the objects that inhabit the space become actors in a possible scene, questioning the space surrounding them and the habits related to it.
HTMLText_18F66229_1940_3F46_41AA_FA4FDB165722.html = Atelier Biagetti
The work of architect and designer Alberto Biagetti and artist Laura Baldassari challenges the boundaries between disciplines. Drawing inspiration from the world around them, from human behaviour and contemporary society’s greatest obsessions, they dissect and deconstruct the functionality of objects to then reconfigure codes that previously seemed permanently sedimented in society. Their work aims to construct an immersive environment full of hints and clues in which the objects that inhabit the space become actors in a possible scene, questioning the space surrounding them and the habits related to it.
HTMLText_18F84AA2_1940_0F4A_41B5_BD4FFA4A75A5.html = Atelier Biagetti
Palm Beach
The work of architect and designer Alberto Biagetti and artist Laura Baldassari challenges the boundaries between disciplines. Drawing inspiration from the world around them, from human behaviour and contemporary society’s greatest obsessions, they dissect and deconstruct the functionality of objects to then reconfigure codes that previously seemed permanently sedimented in society. Their work aims to construct an immersive environment full of hints and clues in which the objects that inhabit the space become actors in a possible scene, questioning the space surrounding them and the habits related to it.
HTMLText_1861D48C_1940_1B5E_4198_F8CBD95D7429.html = Audrey Large
Audrey Large is a French designer and artist who holds a degree in MA Social Design from the Design Academy Eindhoven. At the intersection of art and object design, her practice delves into the potential of digital image manipulation processes applied to the design of our material environment. In the context of exponential digitization, she situates her practice within an interdisciplinary form of design that leverages digital cinema and image theory as a research field to reevaluate object design methodologies.
HTMLText_0BF3EEE1_1C54_E7FD_41A8_679125FA7C44.html = Beautigloo
Sticks fraîcheur
At Beautigloo, the key values are excellence and expertise à la française. They are committed to revitalizing the French industry and spreading French savoir-faire worldwide. The two Beautigloo Freshness Sticks, made of stainless steel, contain a cryogenic liquid that keeps them cool in any situation.
HTMLText_185ED8E9_1940_0CC6_418B_EE24E4552098.html = Blumen Paris
Installation florale exclusive
Blumen is a multidisciplinary floral design studio and creator of unique ceramic objects, founded in 2019 by Elisa Benchetrit in Paris. Blumen collaborates with various clients and artists to craft floral installations, events, showrooms, set designs, and provides deliveries of locally sourced, seasonal flower bouquets within Paris and its surrounding areas. They work with responsible suppliers and producers. Elisa also envisions and shapes everyday unique ceramic objects, including vases tailored to complement her floral creations.
HTMLText_19197389_18C0_1D46_41A4_98A1993FBB10.html = Bongusta
Naram towels
Started for the love of colours, quirky designs & admiration for traditions being passed on through generations. During theirs travels in India they have met artisans, who truly take pride in their craft. Working closely with these, Bongusta creates designs that stand out in colours, materials, and in their quality of always being handmade.
HTMLText_0043F330_1C2B_DE5B_41BB_9B18ACF07A5A.html = Byborre
Responsible textile
Working on the future of textile creation since 2015.
With over a decade of experience, BYBORRE has worked with global industry leaders in fashion, sportswear, interior and automotive brands to create consciously bespoke textiles. Together with their transparent ecosystem of responsible suppliers they are devoted to give creators worldwide access to responsible textile creation.
HTMLText_191EDDB6_18C0_054A_41B5_0AD5A6B8324F.html = Byoma
Skincare products
When we stop stripping our skin and start boosting our barrier, we find the key to balanced, brighter skin. Driven by science. Powered by actives. Byoma is the ultimate skin-compatible solution.
HTMLText_1903ACF8_18C0_04C6_4197_FD5688334DD5.html = Camille Ménard
Pulldown Check-up Mirror
Agnst Design is a Paris-based studio convinced of the emancipating power of object design. As freedom is intimately linked to knowledge, Agnst Design sees in design objects the possibility for the user to understand the mechanisms at work in his choices, in order to escape social alienation.
Each project proposes objects and experiences that, tinged with humor, advance our understanding of the world and verify the independence of a way of thinking invested in a way of acting.
HTMLText_190AC9AB_18C0_0D5A_41A0_A3695A5532FA.html = Cereria Introna
Trompe l'oeil candle
The Cereria Introna company has been operating in the world of wax since 1840. The company alternates an industrial activity with a craft activity. Their artistic laboratory is able to offer many different types of candles with various themes ans all products are made in Italy.
HTMLText_04DB5706_1C75_2647_41A8_F6A8A69EE07C.html = Cosmic Dealer
Botanical Bouche
Cosmic Dealer is a Parisian wellness brand founded by women, aiming to transform daily habits into healthy rituals. Primarily known for its range of Chakra Chocolates, the brand has since developed new products, such as their natural alternative mouthwash, delicious organic herbal teas, and their famous Ayurvedic tongue scraper. The creators imagine authentic products that cater to our needs for holistic well-being.
HTMLText_0A5C9470_1C2D_7ADB_41B8_1BEE7A129C73.html = Crème Atelier
Soft Serve Lamp
Crème Atelier offers sustainable 3D printed lamps that combine artistic design with eco-consciousness. They are harmoniously blending the perfect balance of elegance and playfulness. Their sustainable whimsical world celebrates sweet delights.
HTMLText_375BCA00_2C52_52DD_41B1_56489ED9ABA8.html = DELIUS
Founded in 1722 in Bielefeld (germany), DELIUS develops high-quality contract fabrics for worlds of well-being with aesthetics and function. DELIUS stands for experience, creativity & innovation.
With a clear focus on functional safety and inspiring design, we develop decorative fabrics, upholstery fabrics and wall coverings for hotels, care facilities, offices and cruise ships. This is how we create stylish living environments that feel like home - only safer.
Daisy Colour
Daisy Colour is a lightweight, airy store in batiste style. Its surface is matte and natural, following the current design trend. The finely graded, fresh color palette offers a broad spectrum for design purposes. It starts with elegantly nuanced natural tones and extends to a variety of intense and pastel colors.
Elba is a beautifully soft flowing velvet that can be used as a curtain or upholstery fabric. Its matte appearance with a subtle shine makes it stand out. Elba owes its excellent performance in terms of acoustics and durability to the use of the high-quality Trevira CS brand yarn.
HTMLText_1901370D_18C0_055E_41A4_C3A3B43C6F2C.html = Diego Faivre
Installation & Performance
Diego Faivre is a French designer who graduated from the Design Academy Eindhoven in 2018 and living and working in Amsterdam. His design practice aims to combine a dialogue between seriousness, absurdity, and poetry. By creating physical reactions to transform the way we perceive design, he employs an instinctive and colorful approach to reflect on the modern loss of personal identity and the current obsession with time and money as the main source of inspiration.
HTMLText_18E8AA6D_1940_0FDE_41B5_B19DD47C00A8.html = Diego Faivre
Oeufs au plat
Diego Faivre is a French designer who graduated from the Design Academy Eindhoven in 2018 and living and working in Amsterdam. His design practice aims to combine a dialogue between seriousness, absurdity, and poetry. By creating physical reactions to transform the way we perceive design, he employs an instinctive and colorful approach to reflect on the modern loss of personal identity and the current obsession with time and money as the main source of inspiration.
HTMLText_0AC3A2FE_1C2B_3FC7_4185_F8879698E475.html = Dopper
Dopper is empowering people to choose reusable over single-use water bottles, to reduce our plastic consumption and indeed fight plastic pollution and also protect our world's waters. Their water bottles set the standard for all water bottles, with their incredible durability, award-winning design and colors.
HTMLText_18FE96F7_1940_04CA_41A5_7D37D3662904.html = Envisions
Material samples
Envisions is a multidisciplinary design agency which reimagine material for the worlds bravest brands. The agency is helping manufacturers to rethink their product from the ground up. They challenge all aspects surrounding materials: its fabrication, its process and its application.
HTMLText_09CCED52_1C37_2ADF_41B5_8EE6CA5ACD3C.html = Glass Variations
Helia par Bina Baitel
HELIA celebrates light and poetry. Its curved patterned glass structure and the satin finish glass lampshade diffuse a soft light and let the sun's rays burst when seen from above.
As editor and manufacturer Glass variations offers high-end collections that bring functional art together with collectible design. All pieces are manufactured on demand in their workshops in France and can be customized.
HTMLText_0BA9347B_1C5B_5ACD_41B7_291A10F295FE.html = Hercule Studio
Tapis d'exercice Archy + Pad de confort Galé
+ Spray Parfumé Assainissant Énergisant
Hercule Studio is a French creator of stylish and original sports objects. Through the founders' passion for both sports and aesthetics and the significant role that objects play in their lives, Hercule Studio revitalizes the sports experience with alternative and inspiring sports items. Each creation is grounded in the philosophy of combining Beauty and Goodness, and it seamlessly blends design, creativity, and craftsmanship. The universe of Hercule Studio is shaped by the complementary identities of its founders; the intensity of Parisian architecture and culture for Joy, and the solar energy of the Mediterranean for Jérémy.
HTMLText_0BC52D65_1C74_EAC5_41B3_44D2BDF58F48.html = Huages
Huiles au CBD
Behind the Huages project, there are three women who share a similar daily life, often synonymous with hyper-connectivity, overactivity, stress, and anxiety. Huages aims to address these issues naturally through CBD. Hemp is a crop that requires little water. Their products are made in France, and the oils are manufactured in France as well. They follow a short supply chain, offering 100% natural and vegan products. Their oils are ideal for naturally combating stress, chronic anxiety, insomnia, and even ailments like migraines.
HTMLText_191426F0_18C0_04C6_41B3_E85DA08E8A06.html = Jour Férié
La soirée mousse
Jour Férié was born from a meeting between Laetitia and Céline. One is an entrepreneur, the other is an art director and illustrator. Two different paths, two different worlds, but a common desire: to create a brand that brings joy. A brand that is aware of the well-being and ecological challenges of today. Laetitia and Céline want to be part of a slower and fairer way of life. For them, puzzles were an obvious choice. More than just a puzzle game, puzzles offer a little escape into a calm bubble where time finally seems to slow down.
HTMLText_04EC1267_1C74_FEC5_41B8_E5589C2E168B.html = Kanz Architetti
KANZ Architetti is a multidisciplinary design studio founded in Venice in 2014 by Antonella Maione and Mauro Cazzaro, which ranges from design to restoration of residential architecture, commercial interior design, temporary design up to product design. They explore traditional techniques to create shapes suitable for contemporary living and at the same time pay particular attention to the relationship between innovation and technical possibilities, aware that the knowledge of the latter is the basis of any possible experimentation.
HTMLText_0AB01CE0_1C55_2BFB_4197_0CE640CBCC59.html = Kanz Architetti
KANZ Architetti is a multidisciplinary design studio founded in Venice in 2014 by Antonella Maione and Mauro Cazzaro, which ranges from design to restoration of residential architecture, commercial interior design, temporary design up to product design. They explore traditional techniques to create shapes suitable for contemporary living and at the same time pay particular attention to the relationship between innovation and technical possibilities, aware that the knowledge of the latter is the basis of any possible experimentation.
HTMLText_0AEE02F5_1C5D_5FC5_41A8_C7133ACC37B1.html = Kataba
Fréquence par Jean Couvreur
KATABA is an impact company belonging to the Social and Solidarity Economy. Their approach is contemporary, ethical and local, based on four pillars: eco-design, up-cycling, French manufacturing and social justice.
STUDIO JEAN COUVREUR supports companies and institutions in their product and space design operations. Through simple, rigorous design, the Studio revisits everyday objects and sets new standards. Jean Couvreur's work is characterized by a constant search for aesthetic sobriety and economy of means in favor of efficient, long-lasting products.
HTMLText_18784C62_1940_0BCA_41B7_32A3E1BA626A.html = Lambert & Fils
Silo (collection)
Founded in 2010, Lambert & Fils is a contemporary lighting studio that creates original collections and collaborates with emerging designers around the world. Preserving the bond between design and making, all lighting is handmade in the Lambert & Fils atelier in the heart of Montreal.
HTMLText_1898B25B_19C0_1FFA_41B6_AC868227AD68.html = Laurence Brabant & Alain Villechange
Laurence Brabant & Alain Villechange offer a poetic universe that plays with transparency, optical effects, and physical laws, such as the principle of communicating vessels, which enliven their pieces in their use. The containers, at times, take on colors and come alive, interacting with their contents. Silently, the pieces reveal their secrets and demand special attention. Transparency, translucency, and opacity blend into desired simple and graphic patterns. Demanding and precise, these pieces highlight the rare skill required in flame blowing.
HTMLText_0B2AAD1B_1C57_2A4D_41BB_E5F4124CA95C.html = Laurence Brabant & Alain Villechange
T for 2
Laurence Brabant & Alain Villechange offer a poetic universe that plays with transparency, optical effects, and physical laws, such as the principle of communicating vessels, which enliven their pieces in their use. The containers, at times, take on colors and come alive, interacting with their contents. Silently, the pieces reveal their secrets and demand special attention. Transparency, translucency, and opacity blend into desired simple and graphic patterns. Demanding and precise, these pieces highlight the rare skill required in flame blowing.
HTMLText_0495DF81_1C74_E63D_41AF_272CF9EDA73E.html = Lexon
Since its creation in 1991 by René Adda, Lexon has been uncompromisingly pushing the boundaries and making a difference in the world of design, while remaining true to its commitment to making small objects useful, beautiful, innovative and accessible. Whether in the field of electronics, audio, travel, office or leisure accessories, Lexon has established a privileged relationship with creativity, calling on the world's best object designers to sign collections and lifestyle products that have today become cult favorites.
HTMLText_1896BA2B_19C0_0F5A_41B4_68D2949C1A15.html = Lily Juliet
Pink Champagne Bucket
Juliet imagines whimsical and functional design objects for the home. Inspired by Founder and US designer, Joel Levin, artisans handcraft pieces from resin, sustainably sourced horn and complementary materials.
HTMLText_18755AF8_1940_0CC6_4159_4594537F5114.html = Lola Mossino x Indra Eudaric
La mécanique de la pétasse (collection)
The jewelry collection resulting from the collaboration between Lola Mossino and Indra Eudaric is a manifesto that addresses seduction, attitude, and self-affirmation. Each piece is designed to be an adornment in service of attitude and play, to express desire, posture, or a state of seduction. The jewelry is created for a confident female figure who embraces the use of her body as a means to attract attention and communicate. They offer a fresh perspective on the relationship between jewelry and the body, as well as their purpose. As witnesses of desire, these seductive objects become subtle means of self-assertion.
HTMLText_0016D06F_1C35_7AC5_416D_474BB3CD5AD4.html = Lucas Zito
Buoy Lights
Graduated from the Design Academy of Eindhoven in the Netherlands and now living in France, Lucas Zito is a designer whose practice focuses on an in-depth study of ecological and recyclable materials combined with new technologies. His work is specialized in the design of lights through 3D printing with plastic produced from corn starch, manufactured in Europe. His approach concerns both aesthetics and functionality, in the most eco-responsible way possible and the perspectives of his practice evolve according to his social environment as well as his convictions.
HTMLText_187D2AA0_1940_0F46_4154_A11A137E34A0.html = Magniberg
Nude metallic Jersey Sheets
Magniberg is a bedwear brand with a multilateral approach based in Stockholm, Sweden. After careers in the fashion industry, founders Bengt Thornefors and Nina Norgren partnered to find a new expression in bedwear, establishing Magniberg in 2016. The brand is steeped in cultural references, imagination and emotional aesthetics. It is about craftsmanship, with an insistence on sourcing only the best-quality fabrics.
HTMLText_18E2EE0A_1940_075A_4180_5D1049F0D3CF.html = Muuto
Tub jug
Muuto is rooted in the Scandinavian design tradition characterized by enduring aesthetics, functionality, craftsmanship and an honest expression. By expanding this heritage with forward-looking materials, techniques and bold creative thinking, their ambition is to deliver new perspectives on Scandinavian design.
HTMLText_095AB58B_1C3C_DA4D_41BA_BDA68F349CF5.html = Muuto
Wave Tray
Muuto is rooted in the Scandinavian design tradition characterized by enduring aesthetics, functionality, craftsmanship. By expanding this heritage with forward-looking materials, techniques and bold creative thinking, their ambition is to deliver new perspectives on Scandinavian design.
HTMLText_187A4141_1940_7DC6_418D_8F0AE3C15529.html = Nap
Room 603
The products of NAP, manufactured at the NAP Way factory in Poland, are characterized by timeless design based on natural materials and traditional manufacturing methods. A wide range of solutions and diverse fabrics allow them to create unique products tailored to their customers' expectations. Their manufacturing processes draw inspiration from the finest craftsmanship traditions, while also looking towards the future to create new and unconventional solutions.
HTMLText_1916080C_18C0_0B5E_41A2_A26356090910.html = Papier tigre
Since 2012, Papier Tigre has been imagining and manufacturing creative, high-quality stationery that stands out from the crowd. The brand is constantly innovating and continues to create more sustainable products. And it's thanks to the workshop across the street from the studio in Paris' Marais district that they can bring into existence, artisanally and without cutting down a single tree, the notebooks you love!
HTMLText_189206DE_19C0_04FA_41AA_E2D38DDA7C74.html = Pascale Risbourg
Erotic Toile de Jouy
Pascale Risbourg conceives singular creations with bold audacity, drawing inspiration from nature and various artistic movements for their subjects and motifs, magnified by remarkable research work. Whether she works on custom wallpaper, hand-tufted rugs, or artistic ceramics, Pascale Risbourg offers exceptional pieces, always created through her unique and intuitive creative process.
HTMLText_009184AC_1C3D_DA4B_41AC_E760BEA53194.html = Peclers Paris
Trend books & Consulting
Peclers Paris is the leading consulting agency in creative strategy and prospective trends (fashion, beauty, design & lifestyle, hospitality). We help brands shape their future, reveal their uniqueness and develop more desirable products, services and experiences. For a committed and positive future.
HTMLText_18646672_1940_07CA_418E_340A15A15D64.html = Pleun Van Dijk
Objects of desire
Pleun Van Dijk is a speculative artist and designer fascinated by the ever-evolving world around her. The exponential speed at which science and technology are developing provides us with new opportunities and confronts us with complex ethical questions. These questions often stay abstract due to the complexity of scientific research papers. The limitations of text and spoken language make it almost impossible to envision the future impact of these inventions and how they could be influenced by the decisions we make today.
HTMLText_18EC269E_1940_077A_41B7_D25BD86F0FBE.html = Printworks (available at Kubbick)
Tic Tac Toe & Four in a Row
Printworks was founded with the simple ambition of creating functional everyday products with a new aesthetic twist to make them better suited for our modern life. Their thoughtful choice of colors, material, and typography make Printworks products relevant for this new way of living and aims at becoming classics for the new generation.
HTMLText_18854451_19C0_7BC6_41B1_9306F041F671.html = Radar Interior
RADAR was born from the desire to create a collection of elegant and graphic objects using materials handcrafted by skilled European artisans. RADAR is the collaboration of two enthusiasts, lovers of art and design, two cities, two stories, PARIS and MILAN linked by culture, fashion, and design. RADAR also has the ability to capture trends and create unique and custom-made objects. Full and delicate shapes, graphic curves, simplified designs to the point of evidence, wood, metal, glass, the range of materials used is deliberately limited and non-High-Tech. The RADAR style is imbued with the original codes of industrial design.
HTMLText_18A0D7A7_19C0_054A_419F_4CEA0B3E5CF1.html = Reflections Copenhagen
Crystal glasses
Through an autonomous experimenting design approach and use of strong materials Reflections Copenhagen pioneer the creative field to create the highest aesthetic designs, which unite exquisite materials and geometric shapes to form functional art objects.
HTMLText_1866C4A3_1940_7B4A_41AB_C1EF723D71E8.html = Reflections Copenhagen
Home scents
Through an autonomous experimenting design approach and use of strong materials Reflections Copenhagen pioneer the creative field to create the highest aesthetic designs, which unite exquisite materials and geometric shapes to form functional art objects.
HTMLText_36192277_17C0_1FCA_41AC_D077EF8200F0.html = SCENOGRAPHE ETC
As well as designing physical spaces, Scénographe etc reenchants e-commerce by designing and developing immersive, interactive virtual showrooms.
They bring together the best of the real and the virtual:
- an inspiring and memorable world, just like in a real shop
- an original and engaging experience, to surprise visitors and stand out from the crowd
- the efficiency of a website, accessible and affordable
The "Inspire me!" Forum illustrates this principle: an imaginary gallery, recreated using inspiration from the actual forum at the Maison & Objet show. Visitors can virtually wander through the 3 themed areas designed by Peclers Paris, and discover the selection of objects at their own pace, unhindered by the crowds, on site or to take away.
All you have to do is click on the icons to find out more, and a few surprises have been added to turn the visit into a fun and enjoyable experience.
HTMLText_090FC6BB_1C2F_264D_41AA_1D2CE1F802D4.html = Sabourin Costes
Boudins Coffee Table
Sabourin Costes is a Paris based product and furniture design studio founded by Paola Sabourin and Zoé Costes. Lead by curiosity, Sabourin Costes’ designs always start with an isolated observation of the physical world; a material with fascinating reflectiveness, a new way of forming resin, or a detail as small as a cabinet handle. Conducted through hands-on experiments and collaborations with local artisans, the process development always leads to surprising discoveries. SC’s touch is always vibrant in colour and materiality, unapologetically bold and contextually resonant.
HTMLText_09A62FEA_1C2B_65CF_41B3_44765C7CBF43.html = Sabourin Costes
Boudins Vase
Sabourin Costes is a Paris based product and furniture design studio founded by Paola Sabourin and Zoé Costes. Lead by curiosity, Sabourin Costes’ designs always start with an isolated observation of the physical world; a material with fascinating reflectiveness, a new way of forming resin, or a detail as small as a cabinet handle. Conducted through hands-on experiments and collaborations with local artisans, the process development always leads to surprising discoveries. SC’s touch is always vibrant in colour and materiality, unapologetically bold and contextually resonant.
HTMLText_18F471D1_1940_1CC6_41A0_7C392092E863.html = Sabre
Bistrot Couverts
For 30 years, Sabre has been seeking to offer new perspectives to the tableware. More than just utensils, Sabre Paris cutlery is approached as true decorative objects. The demand for quality is evident at every stage of the manufacturing process, from the selection of materials to the polishing. The blades are made in France from a combination of stainless steel and carbon. The acrylic handles are handcrafted for a softer, more ergonomic, and aesthetically pleasing design. The colors are integrated throughout the material. Almost all the cutlery is hand-assembled in their workshop in the Parisian region.
HTMLText_00B28AC2_1C54_EE3F_4199_A0ECAF2F998C.html = Sodalime
In 2021 Ruud and Carissa joined forces as a design duo by the name of Sodalime. A multidisciplinary design studio that focuses on materials and their characteristics. They made their debut with their collection ‘Dichroic’, using dichroic glass, produced through a unique fully-automized dipping technology. The inorganic process and the organic outcome offer an intriguing contrast. Every perspective offers a new colour pallet, invites interaction, and challenges perception. The collection consists of a variety of objects which are all designed according to the characteristics of the material.
HTMLText_18F1559C_1940_057E_41AC_4E8DBDAF233C.html = Softedge Studio
Rolled rim ceramic tableware
Softedge is a ceramic-based project by Layla Cluer, devoted to the sculptural possibilities of everyday objects. The first forms took shape in late 2019 and burgeoned into what is now a small batch design and production studio, making functional art for tables all around the globe. Each piece in the softedge collection is moulded off an original hand-formed. Equally functional and aesthetic, theirs pieces and projects question the potential of interacting with utilitarianism through a playful consideration of use and intuitive, original form. Each design adds an element of sculpture to the art de la table.
HTMLText_18BFC878_19C0_0BC6_41AF_1E63FFCC50C3.html = Stamuli
Tagadà Table & chairs
Specializing in interior design for the fashion and retail sector, Stamuli AB is a collective of creatives, architects and technical experts who share a rationalistic approach to design, combined with a passion for detail and sustainability. With a scope spanning from high-end fashion and retail stores to select residential projects, they strive to incorporate sustainable, and forward-thinking materials to their designs, combining conceptualism with a passion for color, textures and geometries.
HTMLText_18FB814B_1940_FDDA_4190_CB9076DA7DAE.html = Studio GdB
Ceramic tiles
The Studio GdB adventure began in 2021. The founders, Gilles de Brock and Jaap Giesen, were obsessed with the idea of designing and producing ceramic tiles. Finding no conventional technique suited to their needs, they decided to develop their own method. It's the same mentality that they now apply to all their products, creating products with an emphasis on quality and beauty. Quality by creating the best possible product to last a long time at home or in the office. Beauty by democratising what interior design can be.
HTMLText_36E1F4D0_2C31_D77D_41A3_0597C7C6F6FD.html = TARKETT
With a history spanning over 140 years, Tarkett is a world leader in innovative flooring and sports surface solutions that meets design and functional requirements in multiple market segments, offering an extensive range of products including vinyl, linoleum, carpet, rubber, wood, laminate, synthetic turf and athletic tracks. Committed to change the game with circular economy and to reducing its carbon footprint, the Group has implemented an eco-innovation strategy based on Cradle to Cradle® principles, fully aligned with its Tarkett Human-Conscious Design® approach. Floors play a key role in building a unique, immersive experience and rethinking environments starts with good design. Regional design teams continuously monitor trends in the various markets, enabling Tarkett to offer products that correspond to customer expectations. Thanks to co-creation tools, digital printing technology and collaborative work with design studios, Tarkett’s ranges provide endless possibilities for customizing products and creating unique designs.
HTMLText_4138E638_2824_0FF1_41C3_777E66236EDB.html = THE COLLECTIVE OPTIMISTS
“Reconnecting with the joy of carefree play”
At a time when our relationship with others has been turned upside down, when the city is struggling to enchant and the current context is experienced by many as anxiety-provoking, it seems essential to rethink public space, the notion of otherness and all aspects of life in order to reconnect with a form of exalted happiness.
Collective optimists transform their lives into an experimental playground, where they can collectively reconnect with a simple and instantaneous form of happiness. They creatively transform the city into a generative space for the good life and, with an almost naïve eye, immerse themselves in playful and surprising experiments.
To draw the contours of this happy society, individuals are immersing themselves in new imaginaries that are resolutely creative and collective. Childhood and adolescence are invading society as references to happiness. The traditional norms of reality are diverted with humor. Individuals draw on new formal and chromatic registers, and experimentation and encounters with others are placed at the forefront. The fun centres on the ability of these individuals to turn their direct environment into a collective playground.
HTMLText_4F1A1238_2824_07F1_41A3_FE7367979CC0.html = THE FESTIVE DECADENTS
“To be an actor in a life of exalted pleasures”
Identity is a field of experimentation through which, according to their desires and beliefs, individuals express their way of being in the world and their bases of belonging. In a society that is moving towards greater inclusiveness and tolerance, and in which new ways of living are emerging, self-determination continues to extend its boundaries, and singularity is the key to a successful identity. So, in order to compose an extraordinary daily life, a source of exalted pleasure, individuals turn their lives into a flamboyant party to be admired.
Playing with appearances, they adopt a theatrical relationship with the self and make the false, the excessive and the decadent essential components of the image they project to others. Between refusing to be spectators and seeking individual happiness, they overturn traditional codes of propriety and adopt a sensual and free lifestyle. Made public, the intimate becomes extimate and takes on an almost artificial character. In this great celebration of life, costume become a privileged means of expression.
To present each facet of their identities in a unique way, this tribe transforms everyday artefacts into status vectors of singularity. Uninhibitedly adopting assertive and precious aesthetics, they draw on the codes of glamour and theatre. For the festive decadent, being the guilt-free actor of one's own existence transforms it into an exhilarating theatre, where there is no room for taboos or guilt.
“Happiness is harmony”
At a time when the sensoriality of the world has been undermined, human links have been stretched, digital technology continues to push back the boundaries of reality and the present is struggling to reassure, individuals are trying to rebuild a viable environment around them. They are seeking to reconnect with a form of physicality, to rediscover a sense of anchoring and intimacy with the outside world.
Like new Eldorados in which to immerse themselves, individuals are using digital and virtual technology as a means of inventing a new way of being present in the world and creating imaginary escapes. Objects, gestures and rituals are used to reinvent the way we communicate with others.
Reality is re-poetised through sensitive, reassuring and immersive utopias. Organic meta-therapies take their inspiration from plants and sublimate their sensoriality. The limits of physicality are pushed back to give life to new dreamlike materialities. For sensitive hedonists, pleasure is above all a quest for intimate well-being.
HTMLText_18C1880F_1940_0B5A_41AC_4BF336399F3B.html = Teun Zwets
Bubble clock
Everywhere in the world, people litter their trash in nature and the streets. By using free and trashed material, Teun Zwets aims at making the process of creating go easier : you are not afraid to waste material since it is already waste. If something fails you only lose time. He wants to make people happy with my creations. His core belief: making a good design with the right materials is important, so that people can own objects for a very long time which is the most sustainable design there is.
HTMLText_1907E4B9_18C0_3B46_41B7_A3191E943E44.html = The art of ping pong
Artbats (Stripes & Faces)
& Artballs (Smiley Wink)
Art of Ping Pong sits at the nexus of art and play. Fusing art with functional design, they create vibrant objects of art to populate our living spaces. These pieces also have a real life purpose – to encourage a connection with others through conversation and play. They believe their artworks are some of the most playful, and yet beautiful artworks, in the world. Designed for homeowners that thought they had everything, they not only stimulate conversation but ignite great nights in as well.
HTMLText_001F8667_3784_B629_41C0_361AB073D4C2.html = The cool projects
Mood of the day soaps
The Cool Projects is about fair trade, small production, crafts, design, quality vs quantity, natural handmade products, and an effort to sustain small traditional workshops with respect to the environment, animals, people we work with and ourselves. All theirs products are designed and produced following the above principles.
HTMLText_187F880B_1940_0B5A_4199_A817C4D5A874.html = Tim Teven
Pressure Stool
Tim Teven graduated at Design Academy Eindhoven in 2018. A technical and material driven approach to design together with hands-on way of working allows him to play and create in an experimental way. In many of the works the production process is used as a tool to design and a leading aspect to shape the final outcome and function of the object. Treating materials in an unconventional way to rethink the process of making, allows him to find surprising techniques which then can be translated into a functional yet interesting object.
HTMLText_18951F7A_19C0_05BB_41A6_3D92F0745C45.html = USM Haller
Desserte L
Aiming at achieving eternal beauty through a design with elegant lines and great simplicity, the USM Haller system has been included in the permanent collection of the MoMA in New York since 2001 and has become a design classic worldwide. Recognizable at first glance, the chrome-plated steel tubular frame equips all USM Haller products.
HTMLText_040D264C_1C7D_26CB_41A7_B00DD8109F22.html = VLUV
Ballon Bol Sova
VLUV is the world's first brand of air-filled seats. Since 2009, the brand has been developing, designing, and distributing elegant products focused on ergonomics, movement, and sports.
HTMLText_003D0085_1C5B_3A45_41AB_EA751EE7F669.html = Yuan Yuan
Performance Design culinaire
Yuan Yuan is a Chinese designer, artist, and researcher who has been living in France since 2006. In 2014, she founded her studio in Paris to explore the various dimensions of food through culinary art, culture, ecology, sociology, and health, creating unique sensory experiences. She collaborates with diverse professionals such as scientists, farmers, chefs, artisans, and nutritionists to establish connections between food and human beings and tell a story through the act of eating.
HTMLText_0A215CDB_1C37_2BCD_4178_47C8D5E39172.html = Rive Roshan
Incidence panels
Rive Roshan is the artistic practice of Ruben de la Rive Box and Golnar Roshan. The studio creates to connect with people intuitively through exploring visual wonder as a means to emotional well-being.
HTMLText_15D8FEFE_2786_06D3_4189_0C8D0334BAAE_mobile.html = THANK YOU FOR YOUR VISIT!
Peclers Paris and Maison&Objet would like to thank Tarkett for the floor coverings, Delius for the wall textiles and Scénographe etc for the enhanced experience of the space. And a huge thank you to Diego Faivre and Yuan Yuan, whose invaluable contributions have enabled us to showcase, taste and share the joy of creation. Finally, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to all the artists, designers and creators who have enthusiastically shown us their trust by lending us their pieces.
A question? Contact us !
HTMLText_033C2042_2705_55F4_41B7_F444F953E650_mobile.html = WELCOME
Faced with a turbulent global context and growing social anxiety, people are emerging with a desire to reenchant their daily lives. While the notion of happiness has become synonymous with the idea of well-being, frugality and introspection seemed to have become its necessary foundations. Rejecting these injunctions, some individuals are demanding the right to free, uncompromising pleasure, to sway to the whim of their desires.
Driven by a vital need for hope, they harness the power of the collective to imagine a new, happy society, one that generates good-living and well-being. Making creativity a banner of life, they are making their way towards an almost naïve philosophy of the present moment. It's a time for epicurean enjoyment, and there's an urgent need to seize every available source of joy. Pleasure, at its most instinctive, becomes a compass to follow.
Faced with this complex climate, the quest for happiness calls for a range of solutions.
For some, the notion of identity broadens and becomes an experimental field. In a quest for singularity, they celebrate the flamboyance of artifice and seek above all the freedom to be, to live and to express themselves without guilt.
For others, society becomes a playground to be reinvented. By collectively adopting a childlike outlook, they transform everyday gloom into a creative opportunity.
Finally, guided by an ultimate quest for sensoriality, others use every medium available to rethink their way of being in the world, of connecting with others and with their inner selves.
Faced with this kaleidoscope of possibilities, by playing with one’s social identity, one’s intimacy or
with collective identities, they renew the languages of creativity.
HTMLText_188D466C_19C0_07DE_41B2_7D8B17A6AF80.html = Stackelbergs
Plaid mohair
Stackelbergs Stockholm is a family-owned company that values quality, style, and authentic craftsmanship. That's why their wool and mohair products are made by top producers using environmentally friendly production methods and only natural materials. Handmade fringes, high-quality raw materials, a range of modern colors, all contribute to absolute comfort in the living space.
HTMLText_040FDD3E_1C7D_EA47_41A8_2E35E65DF87A_mobile.html = 101 Copenhagen
101 Copenhagen is a Danish design brand founded in 2017. With a vision to honor exquisite quality and craftsmanship, the collection encompasses furniture, lighting and accessories in a timeless, yet modern design. Inspired by floral shapes, Bloom emphasizes soft and organic shapes into a collection of sculptural ceramic vases and trays.
HTMLText_039B1307_3785_AFE9_41BC_4B59199FD638_mobile.html = 13 Desserts Studio
PM série par Thomas Defour
13Desserts, a French furniture, lighting, and design objects publishing label, is developed by Clément Rougelot and Kevin Dolci. The collection explores new production avenues by combining industrial processes and artisanal craftsmanship. Located in both Paris and Hyères les Palmiers, the label has enriched its brand identity from the outset by continuously inviting new talents to join, giving life to a transdisciplinary collective. With a panel of about ten designers, the collection today is the result of a thoughtful dialogue between technique, strong identity, and contemporary use.
HTMLText_02CCE73A_37BF_961B_417D_495A15B5CB49_mobile.html = 13 Desserts Studio
Venus par Sophia Taillet
13Desserts, a French furniture, lighting, and design objects publishing label, is developed by Clément Rougelot and Kevin Dolci. The collection explores new production avenues by combining industrial processes and artisanal craftsmanship. Located in both Paris and Hyères les Palmiers, the label has enriched its brand identity from the outset by continuously inviting new talents to join, giving life to a transdisciplinary collective. With a panel of about ten designers, the collection today is the result of a thoughtful dialogue between technique, strong identity, and contemporary use.
HTMLText_18EEA560_1940_05C6_417B_D177FCE8F9E4_mobile.html = ABingPlus
Nulu par Yoshikawa
Nulu par Yoshikawa is a parisian boutique showcasing the latest lifestyle items from Japanese brands.
HTMLText_0021411B_1C5D_3A4D_413B_C63BF5BCC35A_mobile.html = Alexis Foiny
Tant que les fleurs existeront encore
"Tant que les fleurs existeront encore" (As Long as Flowers Still Exist) is a prospective and immersive project aimed at recreating the Astiria Rosea, an extinct flower. The Astiria Rosea has been considered extinct on the island of Mauritius since 1860. This project delves into its origins to raise awareness about the preservation of biodiversity. Through the collection of various digital, textual, and visual information about this vanished botanical species and the use of digital tools for modeling and 3D printing, its form and color have been restored. An olfactory accord was created in collaboration with a perfumer from IFF to reactivate the scented essence of this flower. This experience immerses us in a "Memento mori" that reveals the seductive beauty of the flower while reminding us of the complex fragility of biodiversity.
HTMLText_18779DE6_1940_04CA_41B4_E2E862408FD9_mobile.html = Antonin Mongin
Tissage de cheveux synthétiques bruns et blond peroxydés
Antonin Mongin is a design PhD and textile craftsman-designer. His work aims to reawaken the "Hairwork", dormant since the early 20th century, with which cut hair (from hair donations) is no longer considered as waste, but as a precious raw material. Endowed with a strong identity, symbolic and memorial value, this fiber is integrated into the manufacture of textile materials and made-to-measure objects. In his workshop, he also textilises horsehair and non-threadable plant fibers for luxury houses and interior decoration.
HTMLText_186EEC99_1940_0B46_41A5_F276F114263F_mobile.html = Antonin Mongin
Tissage de cheveux sel et poivre
Antonin Mongin is a design PhD and textile craftsman-designer. His work aims to reawaken the "Hairwork", dormant since the early 20th century, with which cut hair (from hair donations) is no longer considered as waste, but as a precious raw material. Endowed with a strong identity, symbolic and memorial value, this fiber is integrated into the manufacture of textile materials and made-to-measure objects. In his workshop, he also textilises horsehair and non-threadable plant fibers for luxury houses and interior decoration.
HTMLText_017C2047_1C2D_7AC5_41B9_54F97630ACC4_mobile.html = Argot Studio
Vases et imprimante 3D en live
Founded by Irish designer Eimear Ryan in 2018, Argot Studio is a Parisian design studio that creates 3D-printed pieces, produced in an eco-friendly manner and designed to enhance any space. Argot's goal is to transcend seasonality and trends to last through generations. The collections express a balance between minimalist and timeless design and high-quality bio-sourced materials. Drawing inspiration from the contrast between the brutalism of urban architecture and the organic forms of nature, Argot Studio's pieces offer an aesthetic that is both poetic and thoughtful.
HTMLText_18F95F60_1940_05C6_41B2_D7A325F783C4_mobile.html = Atelier Biagetti
The work of architect and designer Alberto Biagetti and artist Laura Baldassari challenges the boundaries between disciplines. Drawing inspiration from the world around them, from human behaviour and contemporary society’s greatest obsessions, they dissect and deconstruct the functionality of objects to then reconfigure codes that previously seemed permanently sedimented in society. Their work aims to construct an immersive environment full of hints and clues in which the objects that inhabit the space become actors in a possible scene, questioning the space surrounding them and the habits related to it.
HTMLText_18F66229_1940_3F46_41AA_FA4FDB165722_mobile.html = Atelier Biagetti
The work of architect and designer Alberto Biagetti and artist Laura Baldassari challenges the boundaries between disciplines. Drawing inspiration from the world around them, from human behaviour and contemporary society’s greatest obsessions, they dissect and deconstruct the functionality of objects to then reconfigure codes that previously seemed permanently sedimented in society. Their work aims to construct an immersive environment full of hints and clues in which the objects that inhabit the space become actors in a possible scene, questioning the space surrounding them and the habits related to it.
HTMLText_18F84AA2_1940_0F4A_41B5_BD4FFA4A75A5_mobile.html = Atelier Biagetti
Palm Beach
The work of architect and designer Alberto Biagetti and artist Laura Baldassari challenges the boundaries between disciplines. Drawing inspiration from the world around them, from human behaviour and contemporary society’s greatest obsessions, they dissect and deconstruct the functionality of objects to then reconfigure codes that previously seemed permanently sedimented in society. Their work aims to construct an immersive environment full of hints and clues in which the objects that inhabit the space become actors in a possible scene, questioning the space surrounding them and the habits related to it.
HTMLText_1861D48C_1940_1B5E_4198_F8CBD95D7429_mobile.html = Audrey Large
Audrey Large is a French designer and artist who holds a degree in MA Social Design from the Design Academy Eindhoven. At the intersection of art and object design, her practice delves into the potential of digital image manipulation processes applied to the design of our material environment. In the context of exponential digitization, she situates her practice within an interdisciplinary form of design that leverages digital cinema and image theory as a research field to reevaluate object design methodologies.
HTMLText_0BF3EEE1_1C54_E7FD_41A8_679125FA7C44_mobile.html = Beautigloo
Sticks fraîcheur
At Beautigloo, the key values are excellence and expertise à la française. They are committed to revitalizing the French industry and spreading French savoir-faire worldwide. The two Beautigloo Freshness Sticks, made of stainless steel, contain a cryogenic liquid that keeps them cool in any situation.
HTMLText_185ED8E9_1940_0CC6_418B_EE24E4552098_mobile.html = Blumen Paris
Installation florale exclusive
Blumen is a multidisciplinary floral design studio and creator of unique ceramic objects, founded in 2019 by Elisa Benchetrit in Paris. Blumen collaborates with various clients and artists to craft floral installations, events, showrooms, set designs, and provides deliveries of locally sourced, seasonal flower bouquets within Paris and its surrounding areas. They work with responsible suppliers and producers. Elisa also envisions and shapes everyday unique ceramic objects, including vases tailored to complement her floral creations.
HTMLText_19197389_18C0_1D46_41A4_98A1993FBB10_mobile.html = Bongusta
Naram towels
Started for the love of colours, quirky designs & admiration for traditions being passed on through generations. During theirs travels in India they have met artisans, who truly take pride in their craft. Working closely with these, Bongusta creates designs that stand out in colours, materials, and in their quality of always being handmade.
HTMLText_0043F330_1C2B_DE5B_41BB_9B18ACF07A5A_mobile.html = Byborre
Responsible textile
Working on the future of textile creation since 2015.
With over a decade of experience, BYBORRE has worked with global industry leaders in fashion, sportswear, interior and automotive brands to create consciously bespoke textiles. Together with their transparent ecosystem of responsible suppliers they are devoted to give creators worldwide access to responsible textile creation.
HTMLText_191EDDB6_18C0_054A_41B5_0AD5A6B8324F_mobile.html = Byoma
Skincare products
When we stop stripping our skin and start boosting our barrier, we find the key to balanced, brighter skin. Driven by science. Powered by actives. Byoma is the ultimate skin-compatible solution.
HTMLText_1903ACF8_18C0_04C6_4197_FD5688334DD5_mobile.html = Camille Ménard
Pulldown Check-up Mirror
Agnst Design is a Paris-based studio convinced of the emancipating power of object design. As freedom is intimately linked to knowledge, Agnst Design sees in design objects the possibility for the user to understand the mechanisms at work in his choices, in order to escape social alienation.
Each project proposes objects and experiences that, tinged with humor, advance our understanding of the world and verify the independence of a way of thinking invested in a way of acting.
HTMLText_190AC9AB_18C0_0D5A_41A0_A3695A5532FA_mobile.html = Cereria Introna
Trompe l'oeil candle
The Cereria Introna company has been operating in the world of wax since 1840. The company alternates an industrial activity with a craft activity. Their artistic laboratory is able to offer many different types of candles with various themes ans all products are made in Italy.
HTMLText_04DB5706_1C75_2647_41A8_F6A8A69EE07C_mobile.html = Cosmic Dealer
Botanical Bouche
Cosmic Dealer is a Parisian wellness brand founded by women, aiming to transform daily habits into healthy rituals. Primarily known for its range of Chakra Chocolates, the brand has since developed new products, such as their natural alternative mouthwash, delicious organic herbal teas, and their famous Ayurvedic tongue scraper. The creators imagine authentic products that cater to our needs for holistic well-being.
HTMLText_0A5C9470_1C2D_7ADB_41B8_1BEE7A129C73_mobile.html = Crème Atelier
Soft Serve Lamp
Crème Atelier offers sustainable 3D printed lamps that combine artistic design with eco-consciousness. They are harmoniously blending the perfect balance of elegance and playfulness. Their sustainable whimsical world celebrates sweet delights.
HTMLText_36192277_17C0_1FCA_41AC_D077EF8200F0_mobile.html = DELIUS
Founded in 1722 in Bielefeld (germany), DELIUS develops high-quality contract fabrics for worlds of well-being with aesthetics and function. DELIUS stands for experience, creativity & innovation.
With a clear focus on functional safety and inspiring design, we develop decorative fabrics, upholstery fabrics and wall coverings for hotels, care facilities, offices and cruise ships. This is how we create stylish living environments that feel like home - only safer.
Daisy Colour
Daisy Colour is a lightweight, airy store in batiste style. Its surface is matte and natural, following the current design trend. The finely graded, fresh color palette offers a broad spectrum for design purposes. It starts with elegantly nuanced natural tones and extends to a variety of intense and pastel colors.
Elba is a beautifully soft flowing velvet that can be used as a curtain or upholstery fabric. Its matte appearance with a subtle shine makes it stand out. Elba owes its excellent performance in terms of acoustics and durability to the use of the high-quality Trevira CS brand yarn.
HTMLText_1901370D_18C0_055E_41A4_C3A3B43C6F2C_mobile.html = Diego Faivre
Installation & Performance
Diego Faivre is a French designer who graduated from the Design Academy Eindhoven in 2018 and living and working in Amsterdam. His design practice aims to combine a dialogue between seriousness, absurdity, and poetry. By creating physical reactions to transform the way we perceive design, he employs an instinctive and colorful approach to reflect on the modern loss of personal identity and the current obsession with time and money as the main source of inspiration.
HTMLText_18E8AA6D_1940_0FDE_41B5_B19DD47C00A8_mobile.html = Diego Faivre
Oeufs au plat
Diego Faivre is a French designer who graduated from the Design Academy Eindhoven in 2018 and living and working in Amsterdam. His design practice aims to combine a dialogue between seriousness, absurdity, and poetry. By creating physical reactions to transform the way we perceive design, he employs an instinctive and colorful approach to reflect on the modern loss of personal identity and the current obsession with time and money as the main source of inspiration.
HTMLText_0AC3A2FE_1C2B_3FC7_4185_F8879698E475_mobile.html = Dopper
Dopper is empowering people to choose reusable over single-use water bottles, to reduce our plastic consumption and indeed fight plastic pollution and also protect our world's waters. Their water bottles set the standard for all water bottles, with their incredible durability, award-winning design and colors.
HTMLText_18FE96F7_1940_04CA_41A5_7D37D3662904_mobile.html = Envisions
Material samples
Envisions is a multidisciplinary design agency which reimagine material for the worlds bravest brands. The agency is helping manufacturers to rethink their product from the ground up. They challenge all aspects surrounding materials: its fabrication, its process and its application.
HTMLText_09CCED52_1C37_2ADF_41B5_8EE6CA5ACD3C_mobile.html = Glass Variations
Helia par Bina Baitel
HELIA celebrates light and poetry. Its curved patterned glass structure and the satin finish glass lampshade diffuse a soft light and let the sun's rays burst when seen from above.
As editor and manufacturer Glass variations offers high-end collections that bring functional art together with collectible design. All pieces are manufactured on demand in their workshops in France and can be customized.
HTMLText_0BA9347B_1C5B_5ACD_41B7_291A10F295FE_mobile.html = Hercule Studio
Tapis d'exercice Archy + Pad de confort Galé +
Spray Parfumé Assainissant Énergisant
Hercule Studio is a French creator of stylish and original sports objects. Through the founders' passion for both sports and aesthetics and the significant role that objects play in their lives, Hercule Studio revitalizes the sports experience with alternative and inspiring sports items. Each creation is grounded in the philosophy of combining Beauty and Goodness, and it seamlessly blends design, creativity, and craftsmanship. The universe of Hercule Studio is shaped by the complementary identities of its founders; the intensity of Parisian architecture and culture for Joy, and the solar energy of the Mediterranean for Jérémy.
HTMLText_0BC52D65_1C74_EAC5_41B3_44D2BDF58F48_mobile.html = Huages
Huiles au CBD
Behind the Huages project, there are three women who share a similar daily life, often synonymous with hyper-connectivity, overactivity, stress, and anxiety. Huages aims to address these issues naturally through CBD. Hemp is a crop that requires little water. Their products are made in France, and the oils are manufactured in France as well. They follow a short supply chain, offering 100% natural and vegan products. Their oils are ideal for naturally combating stress, chronic anxiety, insomnia, and even ailments like migraines.
HTMLText_191426F0_18C0_04C6_41B3_E85DA08E8A06_mobile.html = Jour Férié
La soirée mousse
Jour Férié was born from a meeting between Laetitia and Céline. One is an entrepreneur, the other is an art director and illustrator. Two different paths, two different worlds, but a common desire: to create a brand that brings joy. A brand that is aware of the well-being and ecological challenges of today. Laetitia and Céline want to be part of a slower and fairer way of life. For them, puzzles were an obvious choice. More than just a puzzle game, puzzles offer a little escape into a calm bubble where time finally seems to slow down.
HTMLText_04EC1267_1C74_FEC5_41B8_E5589C2E168B_mobile.html = Kanz Architetti
KANZ Architetti is a multidisciplinary design studio founded in Venice in 2014 by Antonella Maione and Mauro Cazzaro, which ranges from design to restoration of residential architecture, commercial interior design, temporary design up to product design. They explore traditional techniques to create shapes suitable for contemporary living and at the same time pay particular attention to the relationship between innovation and technical possibilities, aware that the knowledge of the latter is the basis of any possible experimentation.
HTMLText_0AB01CE0_1C55_2BFB_4197_0CE640CBCC59_mobile.html = Kanz Architetti
KANZ Architetti is a multidisciplinary design studio founded in Venice in 2014 by Antonella Maione and Mauro Cazzaro, which ranges from design to restoration of residential architecture, commercial interior design, temporary design up to product design. They explore traditional techniques to create shapes suitable for contemporary living and at the same time pay particular attention to the relationship between innovation and technical possibilities, aware that the knowledge of the latter is the basis of any possible experimentation.
HTMLText_0AEE02F5_1C5D_5FC5_41A8_C7133ACC37B1_mobile.html = Kataba
Fréquence par Jean Couvreur
KATABA is an impact company belonging to the Social and Solidarity Economy. Their approach is contemporary, ethical and local, based on four pillars: eco-design, up-cycling, French manufacturing and social justice.
STUDIO JEAN COUVREUR supports companies and institutions in their product and space design operations. Through simple, rigorous design, the Studio revisits everyday objects and sets new standards. Jean Couvreur's work is characterized by a constant search for aesthetic sobriety and economy of means in favor of efficient, long-lasting products.
HTMLText_18784C62_1940_0BCA_41B7_32A3E1BA626A_mobile.html = Lambert & Fils
Silo (collection)
Founded in 2010, Lambert & Fils is a contemporary lighting studio that creates original collections and collaborates with emerging designers around the world. Preserving the bond between design and making, all lighting is handmade in the Lambert & Fils atelier in the heart of Montreal.
HTMLText_1898B25B_19C0_1FFA_41B6_AC868227AD68_mobile.html = Laurence Brabant & Alain Villechange
Laurence Brabant & Alain Villechange offer a poetic universe that plays with transparency, optical effects, and physical laws, such as the principle of communicating vessels, which enliven their pieces in their use. The containers, at times, take on colors and come alive, interacting with their contents. Silently, the pieces reveal their secrets and demand special attention. Transparency, translucency, and opacity blend into desired simple and graphic patterns. Demanding and precise, these pieces highlight the rare skill required in flame blowing.
HTMLText_0B2AAD1B_1C57_2A4D_41BB_E5F4124CA95C_mobile.html = Laurence Brabant & Alain Villechange
T for 2
Laurence Brabant & Alain Villechange offer a poetic universe that plays with transparency, optical effects, and physical laws, such as the principle of communicating vessels, which enliven their pieces in their use. The containers, at times, take on colors and come alive, interacting with their contents. Silently, the pieces reveal their secrets and demand special attention. Transparency, translucency, and opacity blend into desired simple and graphic patterns. Demanding and precise, these pieces highlight the rare skill required in flame blowing.
HTMLText_0495DF81_1C74_E63D_41AF_272CF9EDA73E_mobile.html = Lexon
Since its creation in 1991 by René Adda, Lexon has been uncompromisingly pushing the boundaries and making a difference in the world of design, while remaining true to its commitment to making small objects useful, beautiful, innovative and accessible. Whether in the field of electronics, audio, travel, office or leisure accessories, Lexon has established a privileged relationship with creativity, calling on the world's best object designers to sign collections and lifestyle products that have today become cult favorites.
HTMLText_1896BA2B_19C0_0F5A_41B4_68D2949C1A15_mobile.html = Lily Juliet
Pink Champagne Bucket
Juliet imagines whimsical and functional design objects for the home. Inspired by Founder and US designer, Joel Levin, artisans handcraft pieces from resin, sustainably sourced horn and complementary materials.
HTMLText_18755AF8_1940_0CC6_4159_4594537F5114_mobile.html = Lola Mossino x Indra Eudaric
La mécanique de la pétasse (collection)
The jewelry collection resulting from the collaboration between Lola Mossino and Indra Eudaric is a manifesto that addresses seduction, attitude, and self-affirmation. Each piece is designed to be an adornment in service of attitude and play, to express desire, posture, or a state of seduction. The jewelry is created for a confident female figure who embraces the use of her body as a means to attract attention and communicate. They offer a fresh perspective on the relationship between jewelry and the body, as well as their purpose. As witnesses of desire, these seductive objects become subtle means of self-assertion.
HTMLText_0016D06F_1C35_7AC5_416D_474BB3CD5AD4_mobile.html = Lucas Zito
Buoy Lights
Graduated from the Design Academy of Eindhoven in the Netherlands and now living in France, Lucas Zito is a designer whose practice focuses on an in-depth study of ecological and recyclable materials combined with new technologies. His work is specialized in the design of lights through 3D printing with plastic produced from corn starch, manufactured in Europe. His approach concerns both aesthetics and functionality, in the most eco-responsible way possible and the perspectives of his practice evolve according to his social environment as well as his convictions.
HTMLText_187D2AA0_1940_0F46_4154_A11A137E34A0_mobile.html = Magniberg
Nude metallic Jersey Sheets
Magniberg is a bedwear brand with a multilateral approach based in Stockholm, Sweden. After careers in the fashion industry, founders Bengt Thornefors and Nina Norgren partnered to find a new expression in bedwear, establishing Magniberg in 2016. The brand is steeped in cultural references, imagination and emotional aesthetics. It is about craftsmanship, with an insistence on sourcing only the best-quality fabrics.
HTMLText_18E2EE0A_1940_075A_4180_5D1049F0D3CF_mobile.html = Muuto
Tub jug
Muuto is rooted in the Scandinavian design tradition characterized by enduring aesthetics, functionality, craftsmanship and an honest expression. By expanding this heritage with forward-looking materials, techniques and bold creative thinking, their ambition is to deliver new perspectives on Scandinavian design.
HTMLText_095AB58B_1C3C_DA4D_41BA_BDA68F349CF5_mobile.html = Muuto
Wave Tray
Muuto is rooted in the Scandinavian design tradition characterized by enduring aesthetics, functionality, craftsmanship. By expanding this heritage with forward-looking materials, techniques and bold creative thinking, their ambition is to deliver new perspectives on Scandinavian design.
HTMLText_187A4141_1940_7DC6_418D_8F0AE3C15529_mobile.html = Nap
Room 603
The products of NAP, manufactured at the NAP Way factory in Poland, are characterized by timeless design based on natural materials and traditional manufacturing methods. A wide range of solutions and diverse fabrics allow them to create unique products tailored to their customers' expectations. Their manufacturing processes draw inspiration from the finest craftsmanship traditions, while also looking towards the future to create new and unconventional solutions.
HTMLText_1916080C_18C0_0B5E_41A2_A26356090910_mobile.html = Papier tigre
Since 2012, Papier Tigre has been imagining and manufacturing creative, high-quality stationery that stands out from the crowd. The brand is constantly innovating and continues to create more sustainable products. And it's thanks to the workshop across the street from the studio in Paris' Marais district that they can bring into existence, artisanally and without cutting down a single tree, the notebooks you love!
HTMLText_189206DE_19C0_04FA_41AA_E2D38DDA7C74_mobile.html = Pascale Risbourg
Erotic Toile de Jouy
Pascale Risbourg conceives singular creations with bold audacity, drawing inspiration from nature and various artistic movements for their subjects and motifs, magnified by remarkable research work. Whether she works on custom wallpaper, hand-tufted rugs, or artistic ceramics, Pascale Risbourg offers exceptional pieces, always created through her unique and intuitive creative process.
HTMLText_009184AC_1C3D_DA4B_41AC_E760BEA53194_mobile.html = Peclers Paris
Trend books & Consulting
Peclers Paris is the leading consulting agency in creative strategy and prospective trends (fashion, beauty, design & lifestyle, hospitality). We help brands shape their future, reveal their uniqueness and develop more desirable products, services and experiences. For a committed and positive future.
HTMLText_18646672_1940_07CA_418E_340A15A15D64_mobile.html = Pleun Van Dijk
Objects of desire
Pleun Van Dijk is a speculative artist and designer fascinated by the ever-evolving world around her. The exponential speed at which science and technology are developing provides us with new opportunities and confronts us with complex ethical questions. These questions often stay abstract due to the complexity of scientific research papers. The limitations of text and spoken language make it almost impossible to envision the future impact of these inventions and how they could be influenced by the decisions we make today.
HTMLText_18EC269E_1940_077A_41B7_D25BD86F0FBE_mobile.html = Printworks (available at Kubbick)
Tic Tac Toe & Four in a Row
Printworks was founded with the simple ambition of creating functional everyday products with a new aesthetic twist to make them better suited for our modern life. Their thoughtful choice of colors, material, and typography make Printworks products relevant for this new way of living and aims at becoming classics for the new generation.
HTMLText_18854451_19C0_7BC6_41B1_9306F041F671_mobile.html = Radar Interior
RADAR was born from the desire to create a collection of elegant and graphic objects using materials handcrafted by skilled European artisans. RADAR is the collaboration of two enthusiasts, lovers of art and design, two cities, two stories, PARIS and MILAN linked by culture, fashion, and design. RADAR also has the ability to capture trends and create unique and custom-made objects. Full and delicate shapes, graphic curves, simplified designs to the point of evidence, wood, metal, glass, the range of materials used is deliberately limited and non-High-Tech. The RADAR style is imbued with the original codes of industrial design.
HTMLText_18A0D7A7_19C0_054A_419F_4CEA0B3E5CF1_mobile.html = Reflections Copenhagen
Crystal glasses
Through an autonomous experimenting design approach and use of strong materials Reflections Copenhagen pioneer the creative field to create the highest aesthetic designs, which unite exquisite materials and geometric shapes to form functional art objects.
HTMLText_1866C4A3_1940_7B4A_41AB_C1EF723D71E8_mobile.html = Reflections Copenhagen
Home scents
Through an autonomous experimenting design approach and use of strong materials Reflections Copenhagen pioneer the creative field to create the highest aesthetic designs, which unite exquisite materials and geometric shapes to form functional art objects.
HTMLText_0A215CDB_1C37_2BCD_4178_47C8D5E39172_mobile.html = Rive Roshan
Incidence panels
Rive Roshan is the artistic practice of Ruben de la Rive Box and Golnar Roshan. The studio creates to connect with people intuitively through exploring visual wonder as a means to emotional well-being.
HTMLText_18460FBF_1940_04BA_41A7_121E405C6EA8_mobile.html = SCENOGRAPHE ETC
As well as designing retail spaces, Scénographe etc reenchants e-commerce by designing and developing immersive, interactive virtual showrooms.
They bring together the best of the real and the virtual:
- an inspiring and memorable world, just like in a real shop
- an original and engaging experience, to surprise visitors and stand out from the crowd
- the efficiency of a website, accessible and affordable
The "Inspire me!" Forum illustrates this principle: an imaginary gallery, recreated using inspiration from the actual forum at the Maison & Objet show. Visitors can virtually wander through the 3 themed areas designed by Peclers Paris, and discover the selection of objects at their own pace, unhindered by the crowds, on site or to take away.
All you have to do is click on the icons to find out more, and a few surprises have been added to turn the visit into a fun and enjoyable experience.
HTMLText_090FC6BB_1C2F_264D_41AA_1D2CE1F802D4_mobile.html = Sabourin Costes
Boudins Coffee Table
Sabourin Costes is a Paris based product and furniture design studio founded by Paola Sabourin and Zoé Costes. Lead by curiosity, Sabourin Costes’ designs always start with an isolated observation of the physical world; a material with fascinating reflectiveness, a new way of forming resin, or a detail as small as a cabinet handle. Conducted through hands-on experiments and collaborations with local artisans, the process development always leads to surprising discoveries. SC’s touch is always vibrant in colour and materiality, unapologetically bold and contextually resonant.
HTMLText_09A62FEA_1C2B_65CF_41B3_44765C7CBF43_mobile.html = Sabourin Costes
Boudins Vase
Sabourin Costes is a Paris based product and furniture design studio founded by Paola Sabourin and Zoé Costes. Lead by curiosity, Sabourin Costes’ designs always start with an isolated observation of the physical world; a material with fascinating reflectiveness, a new way of forming resin, or a detail as small as a cabinet handle. Conducted through hands-on experiments and collaborations with local artisans, the process development always leads to surprising discoveries. SC’s touch is always vibrant in colour and materiality, unapologetically bold and contextually resonant.
HTMLText_18F471D1_1940_1CC6_41A0_7C392092E863_mobile.html = Sabre
Bistrot Couverts
For 30 years, Sabre has been seeking to offer new perspectives to the tableware. More than just utensils, Sabre Paris cutlery is approached as true decorative objects. The demand for quality is evident at every stage of the manufacturing process, from the selection of materials to the polishing. The blades are made in France from a combination of stainless steel and carbon. The acrylic handles are handcrafted for a softer, more ergonomic, and aesthetically pleasing design. The colors are integrated throughout the material. Almost all the cutlery is hand-assembled in their workshop in the Parisian region.
HTMLText_00B28AC2_1C54_EE3F_4199_A0ECAF2F998C_mobile.html = Sodalime
In 2021 Ruud and Carissa joined forces as a design duo by the name of Sodalime. A multidisciplinary design studio that focuses on materials and their characteristics. They made their debut with their collection ‘Dichroic’, using dichroic glass, produced through a unique fully-automized dipping technology. The inorganic process and the organic outcome offer an intriguing contrast. Every perspective offers a new colour pallet, invites interaction, and challenges perception. The collection consists of a variety of objects which are all designed according to the characteristics of the material.
HTMLText_18F1559C_1940_057E_41AC_4E8DBDAF233C_mobile.html = Softedge Studio
Rolled rim ceramic tableware
Softedge is a ceramic-based project by Layla Cluer, devoted to the sculptural possibilities of everyday objects. The first forms took shape in late 2019 and burgeoned into what is now a small batch design and production studio, making functional art for tables all around the globe. Each piece in the softedge collection is moulded off an original hand-formed. Equally functional and aesthetic, theirs pieces and projects question the potential of interacting with utilitarianism through a playful consideration of use and intuitive, original form. Each design adds an element of sculpture to the art de la table.
HTMLText_188D466C_19C0_07DE_41B2_7D8B17A6AF80_mobile.html = Stackelbergs
Plaid mohair
Stackelbergs Stockholm is a family-owned company that values quality, style, and authentic craftsmanship. That's why their wool and mohair products are made by top producers using environmentally friendly production methods and only natural materials. Handmade fringes, high-quality raw materials, a range of modern colors, all contribute to absolute comfort in the living space.
HTMLText_18BFC878_19C0_0BC6_41AF_1E63FFCC50C3_mobile.html = Stamuli
Tagadà Table & chairs
Specializing in interior design for the fashion and retail sector, Stamuli AB is a collective of creatives, architects and technical experts who share a rationalistic approach to design, combined with a passion for detail and sustainability. With a scope spanning from high-end fashion and retail stores to select residential projects, they strive to incorporate sustainable, and forward-thinking materials to their designs, combining conceptualism with a passion for color, textures and geometries.
HTMLText_18FB814B_1940_FDDA_4190_CB9076DA7DAE_mobile.html = Studio GdB
Ceramic tiles
The Studio GdB adventure began in 2021. The founders, Gilles de Brock and Jaap Giesen, were obsessed with the idea of designing and producing ceramic tiles. Finding no conventional technique suited to their needs, they decided to develop their own method. It's the same mentality that they now apply to all their products, creating products with an emphasis on quality and beauty. Quality by creating the best possible product to last a long time at home or in the office. Beauty by democratising what interior design can be.
HTMLText_18428062_1940_FBCA_41AC_78212B09E849_mobile.html = TARKETT
With a history spanning over 140 years, Tarkett is a world leader in innovative flooring and sports surface solutions that meets design and functional requirements in multiple market segments, offering an extensive range of products including vinyl, linoleum, carpet, rubber, wood, laminate, synthetic turf and athletic tracks. Committed to change the game with circular economy and to reducing its carbon footprint, the Group has implemented an eco-innovation strategy based on Cradle to Cradle® principles, fully aligned with its Tarkett Human-Conscious Design® approach. Floors play a key role in building a unique, immersive experience and rethinking environments starts with good design. Regional design teams continuously monitor trends in the various markets, enabling Tarkett to offer products that correspond to customer expectations. Thanks to co-creation tools, digital printing technology and collaborative work with design studios, Tarkett’s ranges provide endless possibilities for customizing products and creating unique designs.
The teams of Peclers and Tarkett selected an array of flooring textures to inspire both the bold and the soft expressions of the “Enjoy” installation theme.
Desso Palatino carpet tiles : a Desso classic, richly luxurious and elegant with a sumptuous twisted cut pile, available in 39 contemporary colourways.
Desso Solid carpet tiles : designed by Studio Stefan Scholten to render the surprisingly coulorful melange of yarn fibers from the Tarkett carpet recycling process.
Desso tiles are labeled Cradle to Cradle®.
Acczent Excellence Tissage Soft Green : it is the reference for heavy-traffic vinyl flooring ranges on the market, with a distinctive décor originality, durability and maintenance capability.
iQ Surface Solid Sea Shell : developed in collaboration with Note Design studio, iQ Surface invites new interpretations and perspectives to dress the room from floors, to walls and furniture.
HTMLText_4138E638_2824_0FF1_41C3_777E66236EDB_mobile.html = THE COLLECTIVE OPTIMISTS
“Reconnecting with the joy of carefree play”
At a time when our relationship with others has been turned upside down, when the city is struggling to enchant and the current context is experienced by many as anxiety-provoking, it seems essential to rethink public space, the notion of otherness and all aspects of life in order to reconnect with a form of exalted happiness.
Collective optimists transform their lives into an experimental playground, where they can collectively reconnect with a simple and instantaneous form of happiness. They creatively transform the city into a generative space for the good life and, with an almost naïve eye, immerse themselves in playful and surprising experiments.
To draw the contours of this happy society, individuals are immersing themselves in new imaginaries that are resolutely creative and collective. Childhood and adolescence are invading society as references to happiness. The traditional norms of reality are diverted with humor. Individuals draw on new formal and chromatic registers, and experimentation and encounters with others are placed at the forefront. The fun centres on the ability of these individuals to turn their direct environment into a collective playground.
HTMLText_4F1A1238_2824_07F1_41A3_FE7367979CC0_mobile.html = THE FESTIVE DECADENTS
“To be an actor in a life of exalted pleasures”
Identity is a field of experimentation through which, according to their desires and beliefs, individuals express their way of being in the world and their bases of belonging. In a society that is moving towards greater inclusiveness and tolerance, and in which new ways of living are emerging, self-determination continues to extend its boundaries, and singularity is the key to a successful identity. So, in order to compose an extraordinary daily life, a source of exalted pleasure, individuals turn their lives into a flamboyant party to be admired.
Playing with appearances, they adopt a theatrical relationship with the self and make the false, the excessive and the decadent essential components of the image they project to others. Between refusing to be spectators and seeking individual happiness, they overturn traditional codes of propriety and adopt a sensual and free lifestyle. Made public, the intimate becomes extimate and takes on an almost artificial character. In this great celebration of life, costume become a privileged means of expression.
To present each facet of their identities in a unique way, this tribe transforms everyday artefacts into status vectors of singularity. Uninhibitedly adopting assertive and precious aesthetics, they draw on the codes of glamour and theatre. For the festive decadent, being the guilt-free actor of one's own existence transforms it into an exhilarating theatre, where there is no room for taboos or guilt.
HTMLText_4F0B4FF7_281C_1C7F_4167_CBC57BCE1211_mobile.html = THE SENSITIVE HEDONISTS
“Happiness is harmony”
At a time when the sensoriality of the world has been undermined, human links have been stretched, digital technology continues to push back the boundaries of reality and the present is struggling to reassure, individuals are trying to rebuild a viable environment around them. They are seeking to reconnect with a form of physicality, to rediscover a sense of anchoring and intimacy with the outside world.
Like new Eldorados in which to immerse themselves, individuals are using digital and virtual technology as a means of inventing a new way of being present in the world and creating imaginary escapes. Objects, gestures and rituals are used to reinvent the way we communicate with others.
Reality is re-poetised through sensitive, reassuring and immersive utopias. Organic meta-therapies take their inspiration from plants and sublimate their sensoriality. The limits of physicality are pushed back to give life to new dreamlike materialities. For sensitive hedonists, pleasure is above all a quest for intimate well-being.
HTMLText_18C1880F_1940_0B5A_41AC_4BF336399F3B_mobile.html = Teun Zwets
Bubble clock
Everywhere in the world, people litter their trash in nature and the streets. By using free and trashed material, Teun Zwets aims at making the process of creating go easier : you are not afraid to waste material since it is already waste. If something fails you only lose time. He wants to make people happy with my creations. His core belief: making a good design with the right materials is important, so that people can own objects for a very long time which is the most sustainable design there is.
HTMLText_1907E4B9_18C0_3B46_41B7_A3191E943E44_mobile.html = The art of ping pong
Artbats (Stripes & Faces) & Artballs (Smiley Wink)
Art of Ping Pong sits at the nexus of art and play. Fusing art with functional design, they create vibrant objects of art to populate our living spaces. These pieces also have a real life purpose – to encourage a connection with others through conversation and play. They believe their artworks are some of the most playful, and yet beautiful artworks, in the world. Designed for homeowners that thought they had everything, they not only stimulate conversation but ignite great nights in as well.
HTMLText_0064D32D_378D_EE39_41AA_364584303EEF_mobile.html = The cool projects
Mood of the day soaps
The Cool Projects is about fair trade, small production, crafts, design, quality vs quantity, natural handmade products, and an effort to sustain small traditional workshops with respect to the environment, animals, people we work with and ourselves. All theirs products are designed and produced following the above principles.
HTMLText_187F880B_1940_0B5A_4199_A817C4D5A874_mobile.html = Tim Teven
Pressure Stool
Tim Teven graduated at Design Academy Eindhoven in 2018. A technical and material driven approach to design together with hands-on way of working allows him to play and create in an experimental way. In many of the works the production process is used as a tool to design and a leading aspect to shape the final outcome and function of the object. Treating materials in an unconventional way to rethink the process of making, allows him to find surprising techniques which then can be translated into a functional yet interesting object.
HTMLText_18951F7A_19C0_05BB_41A6_3D92F0745C45_mobile.html = USM Haller
Desserte L
Aiming at achieving eternal beauty through a design with elegant lines and great simplicity, the USM Haller system has been included in the permanent collection of the MoMA in New York since 2001 and has become a design classic worldwide. Recognizable at first glance, the chrome-plated steel tubular frame equips all USM Haller products.
HTMLText_040D264C_1C7D_26CB_41A7_B00DD8109F22_mobile.html = VLUV
Ballon Bol Sova
VLUV is the world's first brand of air-filled seats. Since 2009, the brand has been developing, designing, and distributing elegant products focused on ergonomics, movement, and sports.
HTMLText_003D0085_1C5B_3A45_41AB_EA751EE7F669_mobile.html = Yuan Yuan
Performance Design culinaire
Yuan Yuan is a Chinese designer, artist, and researcher who has been living in France since 2006. In 2014, she founded her studio in Paris to explore the various dimensions of food through culinary art, culture, ecology, sociology, and health, creating unique sensory experiences. She collaborates with diverse professionals such as scientists, farmers, chefs, artisans, and nutritionists to establish connections between food and human beings and tell a story through the act of eating.
HTMLText_1882384A_19C0_0BDA_41B3_B1F029B6A8E3_mobile.html = an&angel
Sun & Moon
An&angel is a brand of innovative and functional tableware. It uses state-of the-art methods to create aerial and elegant bowls and vases of the highest quality. Glass and crystal are its essential materials and the creation of unprecedented forms is itsdriving force. Luxury in a shape of a mirror.
HTMLText_31BE3593_2079_8911_41A0_4C7446A4E79B_mobile.html = click logo to go to website ↓
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click logo to go to website ↑
HTMLText_32727153_204E_8912_4195_8B1538001658.html = scroll to access scenes ↑
click logo to go to website ↑
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## Hotspot
### Texte
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## Média
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### Sous-titres vidéo
### Titre
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## Visite
### Description
### Titre
tour.name = PECLERS M&O ENJOY